Tokyo iCDC


About Tokyo iCDC

Tokyo iCDC (Tokyo Center for Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control) was launched on October 1, 2020. As a new organization serving as the center for effective infectious disease response, including risk management, investigation/analysis/evaluation, information collection and dissemination, its activities include providing advice concerning the infection situation in Tokyo and its various stages.

About the Tokyo iCDC Expert Board

Implementation of effective infectious disease countermeasures requires advice and support based on the latest information,scientific knowledge and expert opinions, making the presence of experts crucial.
To that end, Tokyo iCDC established an Expert Board consisting of experts in various fields related to infectious disease. The Expert Board is made up of nine teams each covering specific fields and external advisors, working in collaboration with each other.
This network of experts supporting infectious disease response is an innovative approach for a local government in Japan.

The comprehensive report of Tokyo iCDC activities

Based on the wide range of knowledge and experience of the members of the expert board, TMG has been working on countermeasures against COVID-19 since the Tokyo iCDC was launched on October 1, 2020.
This report summarizes the efforts of the Tokyo iCDC over the past three years. By applying this valuable knowledge and experience to future countermeasures against infectious diseases in general, TMG will protect the lives and health of Tokyo residents, make Tokyo a city that is resilient to infectious diseases, and realize "Sustainable Recovery".
"Tokyo iCDC The expertise that supported Tokyo's COVID-19 response
- A new system adopted by Tokyo to address the threat of infectious diseases -"

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