Route Description
Tsurukawa Station→Tsurumi River→Onoji River→Shinkoji Park→Tsurukawa-dai One-ryokudo Road→Shinkoji River→Tsurukawa Station
The Tsurukawa area, where large apartment houses were built during and after the period of rapid economic growth, has been developed as a commuter town in the Tama Hills, which are rich in greenery.
Along the Tsurumi River and its branches running through the commuter town, a promenade was made as a part of a river improvement and revetment development project. Also, the Old Kamakura Road still remains on the ridge in Tsurukawa-dai, and there is a long narrow green space.
* These are estimates given for a person, weight 60kg, moving at 4km per hour, walking 10 min.=30kcal, one step=70cm.
* Some details in the PDF walking map may differ from Google Map.
* Contact regarding the PDF walking map offered on this website.
[Machida City Health Center Health Promotion Dept. TEL 042-724-4236]